Archives for student
Forma FĂRĂ fond, absența insuficientelor forme CU fond. Literatura de leadership în Educație. Studiu de caz
This paper is an argument about the necessity and the importance of leadership literature in Education. The study case focuses on the present situation of Romania.
Eu învăț, tu înveți … Care este impactul tehnologiilor digitale asupra învățării?
The article focuses on three key messages: (1) learning is a natural process; (2) authentic learning is a process that generates positive emotions, satisfaction, and self-esteem; (3) the use of digital technologies influences the dynamics of the learning process.
Reach Higher in Higher Education: What Romania Can Learn from the US Example?
This article presents a personal account of good higher-education practices in America, as experienced at Harvard and Stanford. Key-scholars and decision-makers in Romania may consider replicating and/or adapting these elements to the local context.