Archives for Romanian language
L. Vasiu, C. Bocoș – O gramatică… altfel: dezvoltarea competenței gramaticale în limba română ca limbă străină (RLS): nivelul A2, [An Innovative Approach in Teaching Grammar], Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2023.
Teaching Romanian as a foreign language is a relatively new field of study, which owes its evolution and openness to alterity as a form of globalisation and facilitation of mutual knowledge. Multiculturality and interculturality are tangible aspects of our daily activity and not just mere theoretical concepts that hardly find their applicability in everything that concerns our existential horizon. In an ever-changing society, it is necessary to articulate coherently one's personal identity and self-image, so that dialogue can be carried out in an appropriate and informed manner, and so as to promote knowledge of the other from as many points of view as possible, especially when learning a foreign language.