Archives for online education


Social Media Use and Psychosocial Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic among Adolescent Students

COVID-19 has been an unexpected crisis period, directing the minds of people into ear and anxiety. Social distancing being a major preventive activity to overcome this contagious disease, which led to affect all aspects of life worldwide. The new pandemic experience has highly affected the psychosocial aspects of adolescents. Social media has become the centre of communication during this isolated period. Classroom learning has changed to virtual teaching during the lockdown period. A research was conducted to analyse the influence of COVID-19 on adolescents' social media usages. The study focused on social media usage and its impact on adolescents' psycho-social behaviour. Participants were 287 adolescent students from 6 mostly affected states of India. Data gathering was carried out during the COVID -19 Lockdown in India with a self-structured online questionnaire. The respondents have not agreed that online classes are better than classroom learning. There was a high increase in the use of social media during the lockdown period. Social media has helped them to cope with the isolated situation and has led to an increase in their creativity. WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are the prominent social media used during this pandemic situation.
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V. Frunzaru, O. Ștefăniță – Dialog social, probleme și soluții în educație. Învățământul online în pandemie [Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic], București, Triton Books, 2021.

The work Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic, led by Professor Valeriu Frunzaru and Oana Ștefăniță is an important part of the project no. 2019/101974 “Development of tripartite and bipartite dialogue and consultation structures in the education sector”, project implemented by the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education, in partnership with Skolenes Landsforbund Norway. The results of the study are disseminated in two volumes. This book is the first volume and focuses on teachers' perception on education in 2020, while the second volume will provide a comparative analysis between 2014 and 2020.
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Ceobanu, C., Cucoş, C., Istrate, O., & Pânişoară, I.-O. (Eds.) – Educaţia Digitală (II ed.) [Digital Education], Iaşi, Polirom, 2022.

The second edition of the book, published in 2020, Digital Education, is coordinated by Ciprian Ceobanu and Constantin Cucoş, Professors at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Olimpius Istrate and Ion-Ovidiu Pânişoară, an Associate Professor and a Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Bucharest. The studies gathered in this book include qualitative as well as quantitative analysis to help teachers expand and deepen the understanding of information for identifying solutions to the challenges of digitalization of education. Divided into thirty-four chapters grouped into five parts, the book analyses the impact of new technologies on training pathways.
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Romanian E-Learning Effects After The COVID-19 Outbreak. The Case Of The Gymnasium Students

Due to the fact that the last three years have been defined by an overlapping series of crises having the disruptive effect of full lockdown, the digital transition to the online learning environment has been immediately adopted as the sole solution of the Romanian authorities. The main purpose of this research paper is to study what type of consequences has produced the e-learning conducted during the pandemic years for the middle-school students, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Hence, the questionnaire-based survey has been used in order to collect primary data from 333 participants and measured the perception of middle school students from a low-income unit school of Bucharest with regard to a series of nine variables. Thereupon, a comparative analysis of the research findings and both officials and NGOs reports was conducted, with the aim of addressing the research hypotheses and providing a set of recommendations for an increasing satisfaction of both students and teachers towards the education quality. The results reveal that the online learning period is the major factor behind the excessive use of online devices of more than a half of the children asked, which can have very negative effects on their psychological development.
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E-Learning, Moving From The Past To The Future

With efficient and useful access, the notion of e-learning presents the newest teaching methods. Starting from the past of the notion of teaching and looking towards the future of e-learning, we will observe attributes that are available from the teacher and the student. Today's new technologies are the result of the evolution of learning methods, pedagogy, and people who are involved and eager to develop. The field of education is a sensitive point and within organizations, the need for learning, and continuous improvement, shows the fact that IT resources are used permanently. The use of the computer system in terms of the e-learning part offers sustainability, accessibility from any place, mobility, transparency, and professional learning. The pandemic period has put both the education system and public institutions in Romania in difficulty, many people have switched from the face-to-face working mode to the online environment with different connection platforms, something that has put this technology in the first place.
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The Role Of Individual Study In Professional Training In Higher Education In The Context Of Online Education

The fast pace of change, has generated a new format of education, adjusted to the new realities and the online regime. In this context, we set out to investigate the professional training of university students and to discover new ways of completing higher education degrees. In order to better understand the specifics of online education, we asked students (N = 334) from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest to express their opinion on the importance of the skills acquired from university for their professional career and individual study methods that can improve and complete university studies. During the research, we applied a questionnaire and conducted interviews with students, in the period of time spanning from March to June 2021. Our analysis led us to the following finding: in the context of online learning, students must, on the one hand, have access to high quality university education, relevant to life, social integration and their affirmation on the labor market, and on the other hand, to and discover their potential and professional niche, which should be developed through individual study.
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Educația online – prieten sau dușman al învățării autoreglate?!

Nowadays, education is challenged to change its paradigms and to adapt to new online environments and tools. In this context, the role of teachers remain essential in finding relevant contents for developing strong competencies, monitoring and evaluating the learning process.
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