Archives for nr.8
V. Frunzaru, O. Ștefăniță – Dialog social, probleme și soluții în educație. Învățământul online în pandemie [Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic], București, Triton Books, 2021.
The work Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic, led by Professor Valeriu Frunzaru and Oana Ștefăniță is an important part of the project no. 2019/101974 “Development of tripartite and bipartite dialogue and consultation structures in the education sector”, project implemented by the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education, in partnership with Skolenes Landsforbund Norway. The results of the study are disseminated in two volumes. This book is the first volume and focuses on teachers' perception on education in 2020, while the second volume will provide a comparative analysis between 2014 and 2020.
Bar et al., ALL TOGETHER – Building Harmonious Relationships for a Successful School Environment. Small Methodological Guide. Erasmus + Strategic Partnership [Parteneriat Strategic Erasmus +], 2022, Aureo Publishing House, Oradea, Romania.
The ALL TOGETHER – Building harmonious relationships for a successful school environment brochure presents some examples of activities experienced by the partners involved in the strategic partnership Erasmus +, All together being a source of inspiration for other educational institutions that want to improve the relationships in the school environment. This will offer them an institutional framework conducive to ensure a quality educational act. The central objective of the mentioned project was the development of five types of relationships in the school educational environment, namely: teacher-student relationships, student-student relationships, teacher-parent relationships, employee relationships and strengthening the school community.
Aspects of the Vocational Education and Training of Tertiary Education Graduates
On the labour market, an important aspect is the resizing of jobs due to automation, respectively globalization. Technological changes have led to the need to acquire higher skills. The acquired knowledge and skills can lead to an increase in the ability of graduates to enter the labour market. Thus, for the member countries of the European Union, the article presents an analysis of the share of the population with age between 25 and 64 years, with a tertiary level of education. Likewise, the degree of insertion of graduates of tertiary education programs can be influenced by the economic activities carried out by economic agents. Analysis of employment rates for graduates of tertiary education programs is important. From this point of view, an analysis of the educational fields of the graduates is presented. The used comparative statistical analysis considered the study of the evolution of the number of tertiary level graduates, as well as of the educational fields, for the period 2013-2020, for the member countries of the European Union. Also, the 25-64 age group was selected, and for this the evolution of the share of people with tertiary education was studied. The importance of the degree to which graduates occupy a job after graduation, led to the selection of another indicator - the employment rate (for the period 2012-2021).
The Importance of Educational Tourism in Cultural Heritage Preservation and Sustainable Tourism. Case Study of the Mureș Valley’s Cultural Heritage: Five Castles, Five Stories
The study aims to present the Mureș Valley through the castles, appealing to educational tourism. Educational tourism can be used as one of the tools to rediscover and appreciating the significance of cultural heritage in this aria. This paper used the study case method to analyse the current state of Mureș Valley castles. These castles and parks were documented, and interviews with some community members and the castle owners were conducted as part of the research process. A field trip that exemplifies these educational aspects is suggested by the current study. The main objectives of this trip are to promote rail tourism in Transylvania and Banat, to provide a more environmentally friendly travel option, and to increase understanding of the importance of the area's cultural landscape. There is not much research on educational tourism in Romania because it is a relatively new concept. Although there have been some studies on educational travel, the researcher was unable to find any studies that were solely focused on educational tourism. As a result, the trip might be both a non-formal and a formal kind of education. The unifying element between the two types of education might be the educational tour.
Investigating Essential Competences of Romanian Teachers: A Preliminary Study
The purpose of the article was to put into perspective the qualities and proficiencies required/needed of teaching staff when working with a group of pupils in Romania. We conducted a Focus Group with 10 teachers to kick off the research, and then we used a quantitative tool to confirm the findings. The Focus Group approach was selected because it offers freedom and a greater range for creativity and minimize researcher bias. Only teachers who were interested in the topic from the perspectives of their own experiences in the department as well as from the perspectives of their experiences as parents, grandparents, or aunts of pupils in the educational system attended the Focus Group. Thus resulted a map of traits and competencies required for a positive evolution of the professorial profession, divided into broad categories of traits. To confirm the Focus Group results or identify new trends, we invited the original participants and 33 additional teachers to reassess the specific competencies and characteristics in the same categories after 18 months. The list thus obtained helps us to better prepare the candidates for what is really needed in class and outlines a Romanian teacher’s profile.
The Relationship between Burnout and School Satisfaction Based on the Student’s Age
Adolescence is the age of transformation and spending most of the time in the education system, the wellbeing of the teenager is influenced by every experience had in this system: relationships with colleagues, teachers, the grades, what they learn in school. At the age of twelve there is a step which, once it’s taken, welcomes the child into an age of changes. This research investigates the relationship between burnout, school satisfaction, and life satisfaction as children and adolescents get older, an aspect which is not so talked about in literature. The participants in this study were 3460 students between 10 and 19 years old, of which 1751 were boys and 1709 were girls, and 67.6% were from urban environments and 32.4% were from rural environments. It was noticed that the burnout level grows progressively after the age of 12, which deteriorates the level of school satisfaction through a ‘bottom-up’ process, which causes its decrease. The level of Overall Life Satisfaction (OLS) also decreases with age, one of the reasons being the exhaustion caused by too many or too difficult school tasks.
Participation in Volunteer and Lifelong Learning Activities among Older Persons in Romania
The aim of this article is to assess the level of involvement of Romanian older persons in volunteer activities and lifelong learning, as well as the factors that restrict their participation. To respond to this objective, a survey among older persons (65 years and over) was conducted at national level. Our study reveals that Romanian older persons reported a very low participation rate in volunteer activities organized by different organizations and the main reason was the lack of information regarding the availability of such activities in the community where they live or the poor health status. Regarding the participation in volunteer activities people aged 75-84, men or respondents living in rural areas have the highest rates of participation. In case of older persons enrolled in lifelong learning courses, less than ten percent of respondents selected at least one course they attended over the last 12 months. Male respondents had a higher participation rate compared to women in healthy lifestyle courses. The results of our study highlight the need for appropriate medium and long-term policy measures in the field of active ageing.
Improving Assessment and Feedback in the Learning Process: Directions and Best Practices
This study focuses on ways to improve assessment and feedback in the educational context. Assessment and feedback are critical elements of the learning process and have a significant impact on student performance. The study aims to identify directions and best practices to support the improvement of feedback and assessment in the educational context. The study examines various bibliographic sources to identify constructive and effective approaches to providing negative feedback and ways to improve the evaluation process. In order to carry out this research, we considered the systematic analysis of the specialized literature. Thus, the Google Academic search engine was queried regarding “assessment in the learning process” and “feedback in the learning process” from the period 1980-2023. We obtained 70100 results for “assessment in the learning process” and 445000 results for “feedback in the learning process”. We finally selected 29 articles to fit our study.
Impact of Knowledge Management Strategies on Academic Performance in the Context of the Transition to Education 4.0
The concept of Education 4.0 emerged linked to trends regarding Industry 4.0 and Internet 4.0 and is based on the integration of emerging technologies to revolutionize the way education is delivered. In the current paper, the authors analyse the current trends regarding knowledge management strategies deployed in Education 4.0 and propose a set of possible approaches which take into account knowledge management practices for an efficient transition to Education 4.0. The set of possible approaches and Industry 4.0 tools that could facilitate the transition have been organized in a structured, easy to follow model based on a four-stage process that relies on the feedback loops from both the process inputs and outputs. Using the proposed model facilitates the transition to Education 4.0 and helps practitioners understand the main aspects of each stage and select the Industry 4.0 tools that can be used in their respective context in order to yield most benefits.
Educational Breakout as a Learning Strategy in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
Breakouts are learning strategies that can stimulate the motivation of learning through challenges. During an educational breakout session, students must work as a team and use their reasoning, knowledge, and skills to solve puzzles and challenges related to the content of the curriculum in a limited time. This study intends to examine the impact of educational breakouts on classroom flow, academic performance, motivation, behaviour, and overall satisfaction of the first-year students of Applied Modern Languages, West University of Timişoara. In performing this experiment quantitative and qualitative techniques were used and the results showed a significant improvement in classroom engagement, flow, the feeling of well-being, autonomy, and loss of the notion of time and support the conclusion that the use of educational breakout is fun and motivating for students and facilitates knowledge accumulation.