Archives for nr.6
Defining The Quality Education – An Extensive Bibliometric Analysis
Quality education gains more and more interest from the recent researchers who attempt finding innovative solutions to create a real connection education – skills – employability. Quality education may seem undefined in the research area, but it is integrated in frameworks and guidelines in order to be evaluated by local, regional, or national authorities. As defining quality education in the current context is a global desideratum stated by the Sustainable Development Goals, the present research attempts outlining priority perspectives in illustrating the concept of `quality education` through a bibliometric analysis performed by the application VOSviewer 1.6.18. The study reveals the insights of a bibliographic research within Web of Science resulting in 477 documents that encountered all the relevant criteria. The data was analysed using the application VOSviewer and the study consists of analysing the keywords co-occurrence within the recent international literature. Results draw priority perspectives in defining the quality education in current context. Comparing the results with the present standards of quality education, content gaps may be revealed. Further studies should define new quality education standards in order to recreate an educational quality system able to strengthen the connection education – skills – employability in a dynamic global society.
Romanian E-Learning Effects After The COVID-19 Outbreak. The Case Of The Gymnasium Students
Due to the fact that the last three years have been defined by an overlapping series of crises having the disruptive effect of full lockdown, the digital transition to the online learning environment has been immediately adopted as the sole solution of the Romanian authorities. The main purpose of this research paper is to study what type of consequences has produced the e-learning conducted during the pandemic years for the middle-school students, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Hence, the questionnaire-based survey has been used in order to collect primary data from 333 participants and measured the perception of middle school students from a low-income unit school of Bucharest with regard to a series of nine variables. Thereupon, a comparative analysis of the research findings and both officials and NGOs reports was conducted, with the aim of addressing the research hypotheses and providing a set of recommendations for an increasing satisfaction of both students and teachers towards the education quality. The results reveal that the online learning period is the major factor behind the excessive use of online devices of more than a half of the children asked, which can have very negative effects on their psychological development.
The Lexical-Semantic Field of Beliefs Associated with Good and Evil
This article aims to highlight, using the method of semantic and contextual analysis, the relationships that can be established within the paradigm of naming beliefs associated with good and evil. The lexemes subject to analysis are: FAITH, FAITHFULNESS, UNBELIEF, DOUBT, HERESY, HOPE. Being abstract terms, their features are of a higher degree of generality. Vocabulary segmentation was done taking into account the proximate gender regarding beliefs.
Pupils With Intellectual Disabilities and Service to Education. The Specifics of Special Education System in Romania
Disability is the umbrella concept resulting from the interaction between impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that prevent a person's full and effective participation in the society. Intellectual disability belongs to the general aspect of disability, being a disorder with onset in the child's developmental period. It includes deficits in intellectual and adaptative functioning in the conceptual, social, and practical areas. Children with intellectual disabilities constitute one of the most vulnerable population groups in any society, facing barriers to participation in society and being at increased risk for a wide range of associated problems. Their education is both a priority and a concern for societies, and it is often marked by challenges in terms of inclusion in the appropriate form of education.
E-Learning, Moving From The Past To The Future
With efficient and useful access, the notion of e-learning presents the newest teaching methods. Starting from the past of the notion of teaching and looking towards the future of e-learning, we will observe attributes that are available from the teacher and the student. Today's new technologies are the result of the evolution of learning methods, pedagogy, and people who are involved and eager to develop. The field of education is a sensitive point and within organizations, the need for learning, and continuous improvement, shows the fact that IT resources are used permanently. The use of the computer system in terms of the e-learning part offers sustainability, accessibility from any place, mobility, transparency, and professional learning. The pandemic period has put both the education system and public institutions in Romania in difficulty, many people have switched from the face-to-face working mode to the online environment with different connection platforms, something that has put this technology in the first place.
The Role Of Individual Study In Professional Training In Higher Education In The Context Of Online Education
The fast pace of change, has generated a new format of education, adjusted to the new realities and the online regime. In this context, we set out to investigate the professional training of university students and to discover new ways of completing higher education degrees. In order to better understand the specifics of online education, we asked students (N = 334) from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest to express their opinion on the importance of the skills acquired from university for their professional career and individual study methods that can improve and complete university studies. During the research, we applied a questionnaire and conducted interviews with students, in the period of time spanning from March to June 2021. Our analysis led us to the following finding: in the context of online learning, students must, on the one hand, have access to high quality university education, relevant to life, social integration and their affirmation on the labor market, and on the other hand, to and discover their potential and professional niche, which should be developed through individual study.
Congruence Of Educational Outcomes With Labour Market Demand From Higher Education Graduates’ Perspective
This paper aims to emphasize the impact of the educational process on graduates' transition into the labour market. It is explored the matching/mismatching between skills supply and skills demand for higher education graduates entering the labour market. An online graduate survey was conducted exhaustively to bachelor's degree graduates at a large western Romanian university, returning 856 valid responses. The study had a longitudinal character, being applied in two stages, 6 months and 12 months after graduation. Analysing the matching of educational outcomes with labour market demand turns out that only theoretical skills were provided to students above the labour market demand. Also, the results highlight that the graduates' job satisfaction increases proportionally to the degree of congruence between the studies completed and the job held.
Pedagogies Of Academic Writing For Undergraduate Students In Political Science: A Discussion On The Literature
Our paper discusses academic writing for political science undergraduate higher education students. In the first part it focuses on the main topics in academic writing in political science, such as citation, references list, academic style, plagiarism. The second part focuses on recent discussions of teaching strategies in the field. While depicting a global picture in discussing trends in the literature, the paper also employs a minor focus on Romania. The paper makes a contribution to understanding the literature on academic writing in undergraduate political science higher education and helps comprehend recent pedagogical trends and developments.
Biblioteca Județeană „Octavian Goga” Cluj, Asociația Bibliotecarilor din Bibliotecile Publice din România, Filiala Cluj [“Octavian Goga” County Library Cluj, The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania, Cluj Branch Library], Biblioteconomie pentru începători [Library Science for Beginners], 2018, Casa Cărții de Știință, Cluj-Napoca.
The handbook Library Science for Beginners is definitely a much-needed appearance in our editorial landscape. Coordinated by the Centre for Professional Development from „Octavian Goga“ County Library Cluj, the handbook contains chapters and subchapters written by librarians with experience, such as Diana Baciu, Aura Câmpan, Delia Chira, Ghizela Cosma, Tatiana Costiuc, Ana Maria Dudescu, Simona Floruțău, Octavia Hulpoi, Floarea Elena Moșoiu, Anca-Maria Pop, Monica Sărăcuț, Luminița Sima, Georgeta Topan, Liana Vescan, Adriana Zotea and last, but not least, by the manager Sorina Stanca. The volume was published with the help of the Cluj County Council. In its entirety, the handbook offers thoughtfully selected definitions and an up-to-date review of library science related concepts and terms. Short study cases offer examples from the library’s history.