Archives for nr.3


Creativitatea poate aduce mai multă bucurie în educație? Cum? Pentru cine? Cu ce impact?

This article responds to the question Can creativity bring more joy in education? through a practical experience – a case study – the implementation of Revista Creativ la Sat project. The project was developed between March and October 2018 and it was co-financed by AFCN (The Administration of the National Cultural Fund). Revista Creativ la Sat was also presented during the sixth edition of the ALLS event – Romanian International Conference for Research and Education.
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Ce înseamnă ALTFEL în Școala Altfel?

We, at “Noi Orizonturi” Foundation, have different programs, we train different teachers and we want a different future for Romanian children. We consider ourselves a different organization, but it is difficult to determine in observable and measurable terms how different (Romanian equivalent of altfel) looks like. Probably, that’s why we empathized very well with the situation of the schools that organize Școala Altfel – a concept-program that sounds interesting, right? But what does it mean? The aim of this paper is to define more clearly how the success of such a project looks and what efforts are needed in order to get there.
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Autonomie, competență și relaționare în învățare

Motivation is a key concept in every educational process. Nowadays, this topic is even more challenging due to the emergence of digitalization and the transformation of learning tools, mechanisms, new life skills requirements etc. In this context, self-determination theory can be an useful theoretical framework for enhancing academic motivation for new generations of learners and provide insights about making learning more meaningful and relevant for them.
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Comunitatea copiilor și părinților supradotați. Cum vedem la Centrul Gifted Education educația diferențiată ca sistem alternativ pentru copiii supradotați

Gifted children depend entirely on adults to be discovered. Gifted children are totally dependent on adult perception of what should "happen to them" after they give an IQ test. Even gifted children enrolled in a specialized differentiated education program, such as the Academic Program in order to have a balanced evolution, an integrated brain, depend on the evolution of their parents and on their evolution in relation to their parents.
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SmartWeek – pilotul de afterschool în stil Gritty

GrittyHub is a space for exploring educational alternatives. This article brings an overview of the afterschool pilot project we have developed over the past year. Our intention was to create a new program focusing on the time children in grades 0-4 have after school. We wanted to provide a different solution to these children, who, most of the time, are involved in the standard afterschool activities with their own teacher.
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Sonde interplanetare

After 50 years since the first Moon landing, the human presence in space is more active than ever, despite an apparent temporary retreat of human exploration missions to low Earth orbit. This paper puts the spotlight on the interplanetary probes, which in their space missions were used as reach places, where the human body will never be able to function. They gather data about the beginning of our solar system that help us better understand how our universe will evolve in the future.
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