Archives for nr.1
Reach Higher in Higher Education: What Romania Can Learn from the US Example?
This article presents a personal account of good higher-education practices in America, as experienced at Harvard and Stanford. Key-scholars and decision-makers in Romania may consider replicating and/or adapting these elements to the local context.
It’s the educational system, isn’t it?
The Romanian education has always been a controversial subject. Since I have knowledge of myself, the majority of the things I have heard about it in the media were focused on its weaknesses: the failures of many high school students at their final exams and the innocent students paying for the frustrations of the unsatisfied and poorly paid teachers.
Medicine as a paradigm shift
Research in itself is not only a paradigm, but a paradigm shift at the same time, as each new piece of information has the potential of completely reshaping the way we see the world. But this can only happen by gaining access to multiple information sources and listening to different opinions, from scientists with different backgrounds, who share the same work and research ethics.
Aspects regarding cell specialization
The aim of this paper is to suggest a theoretical model for cell specialization. We postulated that the specialization is acquired through two fundamental mechanisms:
Differentiation (which shapes the structure of the cell);
Activation (which determines the cell to start functioning).
Transformarea digitală. De la inteligență artificială la calculatoare cognitive
The aims of this paper are to identify the most important trends in information technology like virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence and to explain the impact of these new technologies on the educational processes.
Metode de învățare de la 2 la 99 de ani
Traditional learning methods are lately enriched alternative methods to increase performance and to simultaneously develop multiple skills. In this article, I want to present a series of practical methods that we have developed and applied lately for early learning for knowledge sciences.
Fabrica de Experimente
Education is nowadays one of the most sensitive subjects. What happens when 20 high school students decide to make steps towards creating that practical and updated education system we all crave for? The Experiments Factory is a startup based on social entrepreneurship that aims to make science comprehensible and fun.
Matematica românească – de la olimpiade la cercetarea de vârf
We discuss the impact of School Mathematics Competitions on the development of mathematical research, considering the example of the history of the Romanian mathematical school.