Feedback plays an essential role in motor learning, facilitating error correction and performance improvement by providing precise and immediate information. Our study examines the impact of detailed and immediate feedback (audio and video) on the technical performance of novice volleyball players. The research involved 60 participants (mean age 10.5 ± 1.2 years, sports experience 1.48 ± 0.504 years), evaluated through two tests using an advanced feedback system. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS (Version 26), with a confidence interval of 95% (P<0.05). The paired samples t-test showed significant differences between conditions with and without feedback. The analysis revealed significant differences between the conditions with and without feedback (p < 0.001), indicating a significant reduction in the number of technical errors when feedback was provided immediately. These results highlight the importance of integrating feedback into sports training programs to optimize the motor learning process. The study's conclusions suggest that feedback-based strategies significantly improve the development of motor skills and the achievement of performance objectives in the sports field.
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