Archives for evidence based medicine


Maurizio Ferraris – Post-Coronial Studies – Seicento sfumature di virus [Post-Coronial Studies – 600 shades of virus], 2021, Giulio Enaudi Editore S.p.A., Turin, Italy.

The proposed book tries to map, from a philosophical point of view, a new phenomenon that developed in the pandemic years under the title of Post-Colonial Studies - 600 shades of virus. The author innovates conceptually by proposing the term post-coronial studies, in which he subsumes a series of theoretical and reflective analyses of how the threat of the Covid-19 virus has changed social thinking and human life forever. Ferraris distinguishes between the term "post-colonial studies" (he associates it with a closed historical stage, in which humanity has victimized itself sufficiently for its decisions) and "postcolonial studies", in which, in essence, it aims to analyse behaviours and logical strings that have brought a change of paradigms in our lives, from the approach of technology, to the ecological impact, to progress, all in an innovative key and marked by the hope for a prosperous future.
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Utilizarea surselor de documentare auxiliară în practica medicală. Impactul proiectului peaceMed asupra comunității medicale din România

The study at hand represents an analysis of the effect that the peaceMed project had upon the Romanian medical community when considering the usage of auxiliary methods for article sourcing. peaceMed represents an initiative that proposes novel ways of article research for the medical professionals and offers, for the first time in the Romanian medical environment, a broad range of solely healthcare-related information. This disquisition is a national novelty, also being the first study of this sort made in an East European country.
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