Archives for education system


V. Frunzaru, O. Ștefăniță – Dialog social, probleme și soluții în educație. Învățământul online în pandemie [Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic], București, Triton Books, 2021.

The work Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic, led by Professor Valeriu Frunzaru and Oana Ștefăniță is an important part of the project no. 2019/101974 “Development of tripartite and bipartite dialogue and consultation structures in the education sector”, project implemented by the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education, in partnership with Skolenes Landsforbund Norway. The results of the study are disseminated in two volumes. This book is the first volume and focuses on teachers' perception on education in 2020, while the second volume will provide a comparative analysis between 2014 and 2020.
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The Motivation of Vocational Education – Educational Alternative in the Member States of the European Union

The structures of the education system respect the system in our country. Practically, in most cases, the four cycles are followed as forms of education: primary education, high school education, high school or professional education, and higher education (for adults). In many countries, vocational education attracts more and more young people, in Austria, Germany, and Portugal a fairly high percentage of 2/3 of the total number of students choose the path of vocational education. The permanent needs existing in the labor market lead very much to the area of trade, compared to the theoretical one which is very difficult to prove in the labor market. Another reason why professional studies take the place of higher ones is also represented by the very high costs regarding the graduation of higher education in the universities of the member states of the European Union, such as Sweden, Poland, and Germany. In this article, we will analyze professional/vocational education in Austria, France, and Germany.
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An Exploratory Case Study: Risk Filter Applicability to the Digital Strategy of the Education System in Romania. The Light at the End of the COVID-19 Tunnel

By probing into the Strategy regarding the digitalization of education in Romania updated in 2021 by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research after the COVID-19 and aligned with the latest European Digital Agenda for 2020-2030 published by the European Commission, we are hoping to offer future researchers a set of propositions to continue the inquiry on possible opportunities derived from emerging risks associated with the digitalization. This exploratory case study aims to identify a positive application of the risk filter that is capable to assess not only the range of risks, but also their systematicity, while planning a governmental digital strategy in a critical system like education. We believe that this topic deservers immediate attention, because of the unique opportunity offered by the COVID-19 pandemic, and because a good implementation plan is one of the strongest predictors of a successful strategy.
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