Archives for community


Creativitatea poate aduce mai multă bucurie în educație? Cum? Pentru cine? Cu ce impact?

This article responds to the question Can creativity bring more joy in education? through a practical experience – a case study – the implementation of Revista Creativ la Sat project. The project was developed between March and October 2018 and it was co-financed by AFCN (The Administration of the National Cultural Fund). Revista Creativ la Sat was also presented during the sixth edition of the ALLS event – Romanian International Conference for Research and Education.
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Ce înseamnă ALTFEL în Școala Altfel?

We, at “Noi Orizonturi” Foundation, have different programs, we train different teachers and we want a different future for Romanian children. We consider ourselves a different organization, but it is difficult to determine in observable and measurable terms how different (Romanian equivalent of altfel) looks like. Probably, that’s why we empathized very well with the situation of the schools that organize Școala Altfel – a concept-program that sounds interesting, right? But what does it mean? The aim of this paper is to define more clearly how the success of such a project looks and what efforts are needed in order to get there.
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