*The document must be drafted in English!

**REd Journal publishes articles, book reviews and editorials on subjects related to Education.

The document should include the following sections:

  • Title – it should be concise.
  • Full name of authors, listed by relative contribution.
  • Institutional affiliation for each author (if the case).
  • Contact e-mail address for each author.
  • Abstract – up to 200 words. The summary will deliver an objective description of the article and will not include results that are not addressed and justified in the article, without exaggerating the main conclusions.
  • Keywords – up to 5, for indexing purposes (in English).
  • JEL Classification.
  • Introduction.
  • Literature Review.
  • Methodology.
  • Results and Discussions.
  • Conclusions.
  • References.

In order to ensure a more effective processing of your document, please observe the following criteria:

  • Having your document formatted and saved in a version that can be edited and opened with Microsoft Office Word, using A4 page format, and Portrait orientation.
  • The general text should be aligned with both margins throughout the entire page (Justify Text), with no columns (Newspaper Style), and the characters should use Times New Roman font, size 12.
  • General Title – use bold, 16 p font size, left alignment.
  • Author’s Name – use bold, 12 p font size, left alignment.
  • Section Title – use bold, 14 p font size, left alignment.
  • Section Subtitle – use bold, 12 p font size, left alignment.


Legal Framework

Contributors must comply with the copyright legislation, refraining from any type of plagiarism. In case of using ideas from another work, contributors have the obligation to cite the source and, if the case, use quotation marks on the relevant paragraphs.

WEIK Press shall not be liable for the manner in which the reviewers selected in the peer review process carry out their activity and disseminate information that is not related to the peer review process on platforms for increasing academic visibility (Publons, etc.). Reviewers selected in the peer review process are independent individuals, not connected to WEIK Press, who carry out review activities on a voluntary basis.

WEIK Press shall not be liable for the contributors’ failure in case of plagiarism and generally for any failure to comply with the copyright legislation provisions. In case of plagiarism, partial or full, the entire liability, both legal (criminal, contraventional, civil) and deontological, shall lie exclusively with the author of the plagiarism. WEIK Press shall not be liable for the author’s violation of the copyright legislation and the associated rights of individuals submitting papers for publishing in the Research and Education Journal.

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