Archives for Research - Page 2


Current Status of Outdoor Education in the Curriculum of the Romanian School to the Discipline of Religion

The study explores the way in which outdoor education is integrated into the school curriculum, in the Religion discipline, with a possible research theme in the future, which would discover examples of good practices that correlate curriculum documents (framework plans, school programs) with didactic strategies involving outdoor activities. The results can provide information and recommendations for the improvement of educational practices in this field, considering aspects of the curriculum, the influence on the development of students and the optimization of the teaching-learning-assessment process.
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An Integrative Framework for Action Research, Experiential Learning, and AI Advancements

The paper explores the synergistic integration of action research methodology and experiential learning in undergraduate logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) programs. We examine how this novel approach addresses the demands of the dynamic LSCM industry by combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills, enhancing critical thinking abilities, and real-world engagement. By examining case studies and extant literature, we illustrate how action research and experiential learning synergise to create a holistic educational experience. We present a comprehensive framework for integrating action research and experiential learning pedagogies that aims to empower students with the essential skills and adaptability to excel in the evolving world of LSCM. The study highlighted several critical elements for educators to implement this integrated approach successfully. Additionally, we explore the impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on teaching and learning within this integrated framework.
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Preparing Future Teachers for Inclusive Education – Conceptual Frameworks and Curriculum Opportunities

In the context of global interest in inclusive education, the demand for effective teacher training on inclusion in education has grown significantly. This paper aims to identify opportunities for engaging pre-service teachers in learning about inclusive education within Romania's existing initial teacher education curriculum. The analysis delves into the curricula of psycho-pedagogical training programs (Level I and II) offered by universities through the Teacher Education Departments and the curricula of four subjects included in the teacher training program (Level I). Specific subject contents suitable for an infusion approach of inclusive education are identified. The study suggests learning activities that can be integrated into the analysed subjects' curriculum. The proposed approach and activities represent valuable resources for university teachers involved in psycho-pedagogical training programs, offering adaptable strategies for university teaching practice and potential extension to other disciplines with necessary adjustments.
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The Effects of Microsocial Factors Through the Family on the Development of Social Competence in Preschool Children

This paper investigates how sociodemographic factors and the family background contribute to the development of children’s social competence. Social competence is interpreted within an integrative approach, being analysed according to two indicators: the development level of social skills and interpersonal coping forms of children. The present article focused on negotiation, which has been found to be the most adaptive coping among preschool age children. Measurements were obtained using questionnaires: a Social Competence Screening about Preschoolers filled in by teachers, a Questionnaire on Coping Strategies completed both from children and teachers, and a Family Background Questionnaire compiled only for parents.
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Fostering Integration of Education for Sustainable Development into the Educational Practice

This paper aims to identify the proper means of integration of education for sustainable education (ESD) into the educational practice of all areas, since an early age. ESD is considered a catalyst for transforming individuals and society, offering values and competences that will contribute to building a sustainable future. The first part of the paper presents the concept and a brief history of ESD, while the second part introduces an original set of entry points needed in instructional practice of any subject to lead to a sustainability-oriented education. This set of best practices is to be used by teachers in their routine educational practice and has the potential to produce transformative shifts into the present pupils and future adults. The results may increase the literacy on sustainable development making the teaching process more oriented on sustainability goals. The findings of this paper may accelerate the desired behavioural change needed to progress building a sustainable future.
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Optimizing the Educational Process for Students in Special Schools – Study on the Development of Static and Dynamic Balance through Activation and Toning of the Core Area in Physical Education Lessons

The study assessed the impact of core activation and toning programs on the static and dynamic balance of students with special educational needs (SEN) in middle school physical education classes. We found that over a period of 6 weeks, with 2 lessons per week, these programs led to significant improvements in the students' balance, regardless of the type of disability. Students with visual impairments and sedentary lifestyles showed the greatest progress. Somatic and functional measurements were conducted on the 15 students with special needs, and 9 tests (Bass Test, Flamingo Test, Functional Reach Test, Unipodal Test with left eye closed, Unipodal Test with right eye closed, Unipodal Test with left eye open, Unipodal Test with right eye open, Y-Balance Test left, Y-Balance Test right) were administered to assess static and dynamic balance.
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Voichița Dragomir – Biblioteca 2.0: Apomediator al cunoașterii, comunicării și cooperării [Library 2.0: Mediator of Knowledge, Communication, and Cooperation], București, Editura Tritonic Books, 2022.

The book  Biblioteca 2.0  Apomediator al cunoașterii, comunicării și cooperării [Library 2.0: Mediator of Knowledge, Communication, and Cooperation] has its origins in the PhD thesis of Mrs. Voichița Dragomir, a well-known name in the field of information science and documentation in Romania, with a solid professional culture, rich experience, and accomplishments in the world of academic libraries in our country. Engineer by background, Mrs. Voichița Dragomir has a vast expertise in automation of academic libraries and library management, being a former deputy director of BCU Bucharest, and currently the director of SNSPA Library.
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Karla Melinda Barth, “Management of Inclusive Education – Theoretical and Practical Aspects”, Republic of Moldova, Publisher: LAP – Lambert Academic Publishing, 2022.

The main role of inclusive education is to respond to the needs of all beneficiaries of education, regardless of their biopsychological and sociocultural characteristics, respecting their age and individual particularities, with the ultimate goal of social and professional inclusion. The book by Dr. Karla Melinda BARTH, University lecturer, addresses the topic of inclusion, more precisely inclusive education, which is also a current and controversial topic in the field of Educational Sciences. Through this book, the author emphasizes the role of inclusive education, both through theoretical and practical aspects, combining them harmoniously, providing a logical structure of information.
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V. Frunzaru, O. Ștefăniță – Dialog social, probleme și soluții în educație. Învățământul online în pandemie [Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic], București, Triton Books, 2021.

The work Social dialogue, problems, and solutions in education. Online education in the pandemic, led by Professor Valeriu Frunzaru and Oana Ștefăniță is an important part of the project no. 2019/101974 “Development of tripartite and bipartite dialogue and consultation structures in the education sector”, project implemented by the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education, in partnership with Skolenes Landsforbund Norway. The results of the study are disseminated in two volumes. This book is the first volume and focuses on teachers' perception on education in 2020, while the second volume will provide a comparative analysis between 2014 and 2020.
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Bar et al., ALL TOGETHER – Building Harmonious Relationships for a Successful School Environment. Small Methodological Guide. Erasmus + Strategic Partnership [Parteneriat Strategic Erasmus +], 2022, Aureo Publishing House, Oradea, Romania.

The ALL TOGETHER – Building harmonious relationships for a successful school environment brochure presents some examples of activities experienced by the partners involved in the strategic partnership Erasmus +, All together being a source of inspiration for other educational institutions that want to improve the relationships in the school environment. This will offer them an institutional framework conducive to ensure a quality educational act. The central objective of the mentioned project was the development of five types of relationships in the school educational environment, namely: teacher-student relationships, student-student relationships, teacher-parent relationships, employee relationships and strengthening the school community.
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