Archives for Research and Education Journal


The Optimisation of Education through Feedback and Advanced Technology in Motor Learning and the Correction of Technical Sports Errors

Feedback plays an essential role in motor learning, facilitating error correction and performance improvement by providing precise and immediate information. Our study examines the impact of detailed and immediate feedback (audio and video) on the technical performance of novice volleyball players. The research involved 60 participants (mean age 10.5 ± 1.2 years, sports experience 1.48 ± 0.504 years), evaluated through two tests using an advanced feedback system. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS (Version 26), with a confidence interval of 95% (P<0.05). The paired samples t-test showed significant differences between conditions with and without feedback. The analysis revealed significant differences between the conditions with and without feedback (p < 0.001), indicating a significant reduction in the number of technical errors when feedback was provided immediately. These results highlight the importance of integrating feedback into sports training programs to optimize the motor learning process. The study's conclusions suggest that feedback-based strategies significantly improve the development of motor skills and the achievement of performance objectives in the sports field.
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Identification of Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Sound Wave Materials through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Model

This study aims to identify students' conceptual understanding of sound wave material through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model at MAN 3 Sleman Yogyakarta—this quantitative research with descriptive analysis involved 20 students as respondents. Data were collected through a conceptual understanding test covering subtopics of sound waves such as definitions, properties, string sound sources, organ pipe sound sources, resonance, the Doppler effect, wave interference, intensity, and sound intensity level. The results showed that students' conceptual understanding of sound waves was very high, with an average correct answer percentage of 87.5%. The resonance and wave interference subtopics achieved the % correct answer percentage of 100%. In comparison, the definition of sound waves had the lowest correct answer percentage of 60%, falling into the "sufficient" understanding category. The high resonance and wave interference achievement was due to practical methods using everyday tools and materials, helping students understand these concepts in a real-world context. In conclusion, the CTL model effectively enhances students' understanding of physics concepts. It is recommended that the CTL model continues to be applied in physics and other subject areas to improve students' conceptual understanding.
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Social Media Use and Psychosocial Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic among Adolescent Students

COVID-19 has been an unexpected crisis period, directing the minds of people into ear and anxiety. Social distancing being a major preventive activity to overcome this contagious disease, which led to affect all aspects of life worldwide. The new pandemic experience has highly affected the psychosocial aspects of adolescents. Social media has become the centre of communication during this isolated period. Classroom learning has changed to virtual teaching during the lockdown period. A research was conducted to analyse the influence of COVID-19 on adolescents' social media usages. The study focused on social media usage and its impact on adolescents' psycho-social behaviour. Participants were 287 adolescent students from 6 mostly affected states of India. Data gathering was carried out during the COVID -19 Lockdown in India with a self-structured online questionnaire. The respondents have not agreed that online classes are better than classroom learning. There was a high increase in the use of social media during the lockdown period. Social media has helped them to cope with the isolated situation and has led to an increase in their creativity. WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are the prominent social media used during this pandemic situation.
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Digital Tools in the Educational Environment Empower Student Collaboration. A Study Case in Higher Education

Today educational institutions participate actively in empowering students to get involved in projects, to participate but also to collaborate in this major change in order to overcome internal and external vulnerabilities in the learning process. Digital education has great potential for innovations and investments, offering huge opportunities for universities to allow digital transformation and allow students to learn in their rhythm. Academic researchers are trying to secure the vulnerabilities of the online environment in higher education through the development of multiple digital tools. The work is based on a qualitative methodological approach, through content analysis. Content analysis was used as the main technique of data collection and analysis, from the specialised literature, from international databases, regarding the importance using digital tools in the higher education environment. Based on content analysis, this research presents the most important tools that support digital collaboration among students by offering a study case for overcoming learning barriers and focusing on students' creativity in how they approach problem-solving. The study case is based on "Six Thinking Hats" and it is used to support creative thinking in achieving a good collaboration between teams in an educational project. The tools that support digital collaboration among students facilitate communication, increasing the opportunities for academia to interact with as many users as possible.
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Enhancing Academic Writing Proficiency among English as a Second Language Users at the Undergraduate Level: A Comparative Analysis of Student-Lecturer Perspectives and Strategies

Academic writing is a pivotal concern in the tertiary phase of education, yet with a great deal of drawbacks and challenges. The current study investigates academic writing-related challenges and possible mechanisms to overcome them. Therefore, the study delves into the avenue of academic writing hurdles faced by undergraduate students whose second language (L2) is English, specifically in the domain of sciences. This also examines the tactics formulated, from the standpoint of lecturers in tackling these impediments effectively. This research underscores both commonalities and disparities that resonate with the themes documented in prior scholarly works by harnessing qualitative data from a sample of undergraduate students and lecturers. The investigation identifies substantial contrasts between the viewpoints of students and lecturers concerning the challenges inherent in academic writing. While the preeminent concern for most L2 undergraduate students pertains to intricacies at the compartmentalised linguistic features, the focal point for most lecturers revolves around the holistic level, which encompasses a wider range of linguistic attributes. Moreover, the study unravels specific coping mechanisms students employ to navigate academic writing challenges. These discernments carry profound pedagogical implications, accentuating the imperative for providing pertinent writing models and interventions tailored to the individual requirements of L2 science undergraduates.
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Bringing Digitalisation in the Classroom: A Study of Secondary School Teachers’ Perception towards ICT Integration in Classroom Activities in Bangladesh

Integration and implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in education is a widespread phenomenon in the pedagogical approach nowadays. Though this concept has been relatively new in the field of secondary education in Bangladesh, the COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone to adapt to technology-based education. Therefore, this small-scale qualitative study focused on finding how teachers react to integrating ICT into educational practices. The main objective of the study is to analyse the level of teachers’ acceptance of ICT as their teaching tool. The data was collected by interviewing 11 teachers from six different public and private secondary schools in Bangladesh. Despite many educators expressing agreement with the revised instructional approach, their motivation remains subdued due to various obstacles and a lack of recognition for the execution. To attain the objective of sustainable ICT integration in secondary schools across Bangladesh, teachers advocated for incentives and consistent oversight, alongside the enhancement of school infrastructure.
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Unlocking Success: Exploring Diverse Learning Habits in Medical English Language Acquisition

This study investigates the varied learning preferences among dentistry and medicine students in a single higher education centre regarding medical English language acquisition. Through a detailed survey, students’ inclinations towards different learning methods for mastering medical English vocabulary and concepts were examined. The findings reveal a diverse spectrum of learning preferences, including visual aids, interactive exercises, collaborative learning, and technological integration. Notably, the research highlights the importance of tailoring teaching strategies to accommodate individual learning styles, emphasising the value of using technology and real-world medical contexts in language learning activities.
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L. Vasiu, C. Bocoș – O gramatică… altfel: dezvoltarea competenței gramaticale în limba română ca limbă străină (RLS): nivelul A2, [An Innovative Approach in Teaching Grammar], Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2023.

Teaching Romanian as a foreign language is a relatively new field of study, which owes its evolution and openness to alterity as a form of globalisation and facilitation of mutual knowledge. Multiculturality and interculturality are tangible aspects of our daily activity and not just mere theoretical concepts that hardly find their applicability in everything that concerns our existential horizon. In an ever-changing society, it is necessary to articulate coherently one's personal identity and self-image, so that dialogue can be carried out in an appropriate and informed manner, and so as to promote knowledge of the other from as many points of view as possible, especially when learning a foreign language.
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The EO4GEO Gate to Smart Academic Instruments for the Geoinformation Sector, Online Teaching and Professional Development

The paper presents the scientific and practical improvements made in the educational process with particular focus on how technology has been used to help readjust the learning action and deliver online lectures. Particular example regarding online learning features and workflow process is described using Moodle functionalities for the demography field of study. The paper further elaborates on the support which the Erasmus+ EO4GEO project brings to the e-learning education system, by using dedicated tools and training materials assigned to Earth Observation and the Geoinformation sector, which advance support in educational and professional development.
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Enhancing Student Participation and Language Skills with Creative Writing Activities: The Case Study of Upper Secondary Students from a School in Romania

English is a necessity in the world we are inhabiting at present. Education all over the world is placing great importance on reaching proficiency in this language. In Romania, there is a strong tendency towards learning this language from very early ages and finding the most effective teaching methods to help students improve their language skills in English. The present article summarizes a small-scale investigation from a Romanian school where 50 upper secondary students and 2 EFL teachers participated in EFL classes that integrated the Creative Writing technique. The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness and the benefits of teaching English as a Foreign Language with the help of Creative Writing. The combination of various creative tasks led to students who were more engaged with the target language and more interested in improving their English.
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