Author Archives: Monica Mădălina Teodorescu


Nonverbal Parameters in Preschool Education

In kindergartens, where cognitive, behavioral and attitudinal development of the young child is desired, it is recommended to use efficiently nonverbal communication (expressed especially through posture, mimicry, gestures), in order not to inhibit the child, but to arouse his curiosity. The teacher has an important role in terms of her duty to teach preschoolers to communicate verbal and nonverbal even outside the physical space of the kindergarten, in the family, on the street, in the circle of friends. Most of the times, the nonverbal competence of the teachers is the fruit of a hard work, it involves effort in finding a suitable variant for the word, gesture, silence, space or time. In this article we present the nonverbal elements frequently used by the educators, which we identified after conducting a research in which we applied the questionnaire-based survey method. The results of the research have shown that educators use a variety of nonverbal elements that produce on children both positive and negative effects.
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Valuing Nonverbal Communication In Order To Include Children With SEN In Mainstream Education

Taking into account the fact that in the current education the emphasis is on verbal communication, while the nonverbal language occupies a secondary role, but also that the tendency to integrate children with special educational needs in mainstream education is observed, this article wants to emphasize the need to combine the two forms of communication, in order to streamline the communicative act and the understanding of the message, but also to transmit positive behaviours including to facilitate the inclusion of children with special educational needs. In this article we present our research in the field of early education whose results have shown that nonverbal elements streamline communication with students with SEN, facilitating their integration in mainstream kindergartens. The main conclusions of the research showed that the conscious, intentional use of nonverbal elements produces positive effects on didactic communication, increasing the level of attention of pre-schoolers.
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