The Optimisation of Education through Feedback and Advanced Technology in Motor Learning and the Correction of Technical Sports Errors
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The Optimisation of Education through Feedback and Advanced Technology in Motor Learning and the Correction of Technical Sports Errors
Feedback plays an essential role in motor learning, facilitating error correction and performance improvement by providing precise and immediate information. Our study examines the impact of detailed and immediate feedback (audio and video) on the technical performance of novice volleyball players.
The research involved 60 participants (mean age 10.5 ± 1.2 years, sports experience 1.48 ± 0.504 years), evaluated through two tests using an advanced feedback system. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS (Version 26), with a confidence interval of 95% (P<0.05). The paired samples t-test showed significant differences between conditions with and without feedback. The analysis revealed significant differences between the conditions with and without feedback (p < 0.001), indicating a significant reduction in the number of technical errors when feedback was provided immediately.
These results highlight the importance of integrating feedback into sports training programs to optimize the motor learning process. The study’s conclusions suggest that feedback-based strategies significantly improve the development of motor skills and the achievement of performance objectives in the sports field.
education, feedback, motor learning, correction, technical error
JEL Classification
I20, I21, I26
1. Introduction
Feedback plays a crucial role in motor learning and error elimination by providing essential information about performance. Studies from various fields demonstrate how appropriate feedback can lead to significant improvements in motor performance and learning efficiency.
Correct use of feedback can accelerate the learning process and contribute to skill development in a sustainable and efficient manner. For example, in sports like tennis or soccer, immediate feedback on technique can help athletes correct and improve their movements.
During the initial learning of a technical procedure, the psychomotor representation of gestures is often accompanied by inherent errors related to the biomechanics of the actions that constitute the presented model. Technically, eliminating these errors is of major importance, and their causes are complex and varied. They can be differentiated based on the action sequences and are rooted in the subjects as generators of errors.
Authors (Badau et al., 2023; Gheorghe, f.a.; Radu et al., 2024; Szabo, 2015) state that the correction of technical errors is done strictly individually through the method of refreshing kinaesthetic perceptions, based on the principle of immediate information. The efficiency of the method increases if the related influences are transmitted during the exercise through various pathways, using multiple analysers (visual, auditory, tactile). This creates a multitude of action possibilities, accelerating the correction of errors by adapting kinaesthetic perceptions.
The process of optimising volleyball technique has evolved significantly over the years, incorporating advanced techniques from various scientific fields, from physics and mechanics to optics and video technology. These technological advances have increased the motivation and efficiency of the study due to the constant and precise feedback provided to players. The consensus among specialists is clear: volleyball play and training must rely on the latest research and innovations. The limitations of traditional methodologies can be overcome through inventiveness, intellectual investment, and continuous research. Without adapting to modernisations, the risk of falling behind elite sports is inevitable.
2. Literature Review
Research in neuroscience has highlighted how feedback helps adjust neural connections in the brain during motor learning. These adjustments are essential for the consolidation and automation of movements. In medical education or surgical training, continuous and detailed feedback is essential for improving practitioners’ skills and reducing errors during procedures.
Correction plays a fundamental role in the progress and performance improvement of students, allowing the identification of mistakes and gaps in knowledge or understanding of a subject or concept. This is a crucial component of the learning process, as it provides information on aspects that need improvement. Immediate, individualised correction offers the opportunity to provide additional clarifications and guide students in the right direction, which may include extra explanations, examples, or exercises to reinforce knowledge. Through correction, students learn to identify and correct their own mistakes in the future, contributing to the consolidation of knowledge and improving self-assessment skills.
Correction in motor learning is an essential component of the process by which individuals learn to perform movements or motor activities efficiently and accurately. This practice involves identifying and correcting errors in movement execution, aiming to improve performance and the proper learning of motor techniques. Feedback should be provided as quickly as possible after a movement error occurs. This helps in the immediate correction of incorrect motor behaviour and prevents the consolidation of errors. Feedback should be specific and clear about the nature and cause of the error. For example, feedback might indicate that a particular joint is not aligned correctly or that the applied force is too great or too little. Correct feedback can motivate students to improve their performance. Constructive and detailed evaluation can boost self-confidence and increase the motivation to continue learning.
Direct feedback on learning errors is extremely valuable in this context because it allows students to understand exactly what they did wrong and why it is wrong. This helps them correct incorrect behaviours or thinking more effectively. By identifying and clarifying errors quickly, direct feedback allows students to correct mistakes in a short time, optimising the learning process and reducing the risk of errors becoming habitual or leading to confusion. Through a clear understanding of errors and how to correct them, students develop self-assessment and self-correction skills, leading to continuous improvement in their performance over time.
In educational psychology, formative feedback (feedback that informs students about their performance to improve learning) is recognised as essential in correcting mistakes and promoting continuous progress. In robotics and motion control, feedback is used to adjust and optimise robot movements, improving their accuracy and efficiency.
Research by Kıymaz, 2024a; Sha’ar et al. (2024) emphasises the importance of optimising feedback methods in online language learning. By leveraging the ability of audio feedback to provide detailed and personalised input, educators can better meet the varied needs of students, thus improving the online learning experience and facilitating language acquisition (Yu, 2024).
The study by Zhang & Wang (2024) investigates the use of wearable smart sports glasses in real-time monitoring and feedback mechanisms within physical education. Using these advanced technological tools equipped with sensors and software, the research evaluates their effectiveness in improving students’ motor skills and teaching quality. The results show that smart sports glasses can accurately monitor the position and performance of students’ movements, providing timely feedback to both teachers and students. This real-time monitoring and personalised feedback significantly enhance students’ motor skills and teaching effectiveness.
The study by Nunn et al. (2024) and Palidis & Fellows (2024) explores how immediate and delayed feedback influences learning in young and older adults, using feedback-related event potentials (ERPs). Young adults learned better with immediate feedback, associated with the feedback-related negativity (FRN) in the frontostriatal circuit, while older adults had difficulty processing immediate feedback in the striatum, affecting learning. Delayed feedback activated the medial temporal lobes (MTL) more intensely, benefiting older adults especially.
The study by López-Ferrer et al. (2022) highlighted that verbal feedback combined with visual feedback is the most effective for learning a specific skill like passing in volleyball. Students who received this combination showed significant improvements in knowledge, motor performance, accuracy, and reported a more enjoyable experience compared to those who received only visual or verbal feedback. These findings underline the importance of integrating multiple forms of feedback in educational processes to enhance motor performance.
Other research (Gheorghe et al., 2024; Harabagiu, 2020; Jalal & Ghafoor, 2022; Mereuta & Mereuta, 2013; Mocanu et al., 2021; Mocanu & Onu, 2022) emphasises the importance of continuous evaluations using mechanical feedback and precise motor analyses for monitoring performance in sports competitions and motor recovery programs, encouraging the use of modern techniques, such as high-speed aerial photography with drone cameras, to provide detailed information on performance and identify errors in executing the correct technique.
Other studies (Abdullah, 2019; Ghorbanzadeh et al., 2017; Harabagiu & Pârvu, 2023; Wang et al., 2021) have shown that using verbal, visual, and verbal-visual feedback in training serving and bumping skills in volleyball had a significant impact on improving success among participants. All feedback styles positively contributed to the cognitive development of participants, according to the significant differences observed between pre-test and post-test scores of each experimental group.
Authors Hattie & Timperley (2007); Pânişoara et al. (2023); Santi (2021) present an exhaustive review exploring various types of feedback and their impact on performance in educational contexts. They highlight the importance of informative, clarifying, and reinforcing feedback in improving student learning.
Authors Kluger & DeNisi (1996); López-Ferrer et al. (2022); Nunn et al. (2024) propose a preliminary theory of feedback interventions and explore the various conditions and contexts in which feedback can influence outcomes. Nicol & Macfarlane (2006) develop a model and identify seven essential principles for good feedback practice in formative assessment and self-regulated learning in higher education.
Research has also studied the use of educational games to assess student progress, adjust the difficulty level, and provide specific guidance in real time, thus facilitating a more efficient and motivating learning experience (Cristian et al. 2021; Dumitrache & Almasan 2014; Lazar et al., 2020; Marin, f.a.; Pânişoara et al., 2023).
In their article, Kluger & Nir (2010) explore the concept of the feedforward interview as an innovative method to improve feedback in organisational and educational contexts. The study concludes that feedforward can be more effective than traditional feedback in promoting continuous improvement and personal development.
Burlui et al. (2021); Sadler & Good (2006); Szabo et al. (2022) analyse how self-assessment and peer assessment processes can improve students’ understanding of their own capabilities and contribute to enhancing the quality of their academic work.
The presented sources offer a broad and detailed panorama of recent and fundamental research in educational feedback. In the current research, we aim to complement and expand on these conclusions and ideas by applying them to the field of physical activity and motor learning. In conclusion, correction and direct feedback on learning errors are vital for the educational process, significantly contributing to the progress and development of students in understanding and applying knowledge.
3. Methodology
This study aims to evaluate the impact of immediate and detailed feedback on the technical performance of beginner volleyball athletes, focusing on palm grip, raising fists above the shoulders, and elbow positioning. The study explores the applicability of an advanced feedback system in education, demonstrating its benefits in improving performance and reducing errors.
We hypothesise that immediate and detailed feedback (audio and video) provided during training exercises significantly improves the motor performance of participants, reduces the number of execution errors, eases learning, and eliminates technical errors.
For analysing feedback in motor learning, we utilised an advanced learning and correction system in volleyball, which uses 10 sensors placed on the arms, protected and wirelessly connected to a computer (Carmen & Rosculet, 2014). The sensor system used in our research monitors the execution of passing technique through sensors mounted on the athlete’s body, analysing the force and position of the limbs in real time and providing instant vocal feedback to correct errors, while the “Cumullus Factum” software manages this data, allowing both immediate evaluation and long-term progress monitoring. The sensors measure ball contact, force distribution, limb positioning, and joint status in real-time. The software provides vocal and visual feedback for immediate technique correction. The study was conducted from March to June 2024 and adhered to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and ethical standards in research involving human subjects.
3.1. Participants and Research Organization
The study involved 60 athletes from the initiation group in volleyball at the Galați Sports Club (average age 10.5 ± 1.2 years, sports experience 1.48 ± 0.504 years). The subjects were evaluated through two tests using the SCICEV computerised system (Carmen et al., 2011; Carmen & Rosculet, 2014), which provides scores (average of correct executions) and audio-video correction feedback.
In the first test, each performer received audio and video feedback for correction, generated by the software based on the mistakes identified in each execution. Additionally, at the end of the series of 10 repetitions, each received a final score.
In the second test, the performers did not receive feedback after each execution but only the final score after the series of repetitions. The paired samples test analysis for the different types of tests showed that participants made significantly fewer mistakes in the feedback test compared to the no-feedback test.
The results showed that immediate and detailed feedback (audio and video) significantly improves the technical performance of beginner volleyball athletes compared to conventional training methods. Tests conducted at the Human Performance Research Centre in Galați demonstrated a significant reduction in technical errors, easing the learning path by eliminating mistakes.
3.2. Correction of Technical Errors through Real-Time Feedback
Implementing the proposed system in beginner teams will directly address the challenges related to biomechanical deviations of the technical model through individualised correction. This will enable coaches to quickly identify and eliminate technical errors, ensuring a correct and efficient foundation of psychomotor skills from the early stages of training. Thus, athletes will develop precise and consistent techniques, reducing the risk of perpetuating errors. The contribution of this research is essential for understanding and optimising the correction and evaluation of game actions.
Through detailed analysis and relevant conclusions, educators will have evidence-based tools and methods to improve athletes’ performances. This scientific approach will serve not only in current training but also in the development of future strategies, providing a competitive advantage to teams that adopt these advanced practices. The use of advanced technologies facilitates both learning and evaluation processes, especially for fundamental techniques such as the underhand pass and reception with both hands.
Using video systems and other auxiliary devices, coaches and teachers can provide immediate and clear feedback to athletes and students, accelerating the correction of errors and adaptation of kinaesthetic perceptions, resulting in superior overall performance in a shorter time.
3.3. Design and Implementation of the Real-Time Feedback System
To improve and correct movement techniques, our proposed system utilises a variety of methods that influence visual and auditory analysers, muscle tension and relaxation, mental tension and relaxation, movement amplitude, and kinaesthetic and tactile perceptions. The correction of technical errors is approached in an individualised manner, based on precise diagnosis and identification of the causes leading to incorrect movement execution, and the level of coordination of the athlete involved in the motor action.
Figure 1. Real-time feedback system design for correcting technical errors
4. Results and Discussions
The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences – Version 26). The confidence interval was set at 95% (P < 0.05).
We performed a paired samples t-test to assess if there are significant differences between the two sets of measurements and to compare performance under two different conditions: testing with feedback and testing without feedback.
Paired Differences | t | df | Sig. (2-tailed) | ||||||
Mean | Std. Deviation | Std. Error Mean | 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference | ||||||
Lower | Upper | ||||||||
Pair 1 | Errors in hand grip with feedback – Errors in hand grip without feedback | -,800 | ,404 | ,054 | -,909 | -,691 | -14,697 | 54 | ,000 |
Pair 2 | Errors in lifting fists to shoulders with feedback – Errors in lifting fists to shoulders without feedback | -,636 | ,485 | ,065 | -,768 | -,505 | -9,721 | 54 | ,000 |
Pair 3 | Errors in bent elbows with feedback – Errors in bent elbows without feedback | -,600 | ,494 | ,067 | -,734 | -,466 | -9,000 | 54 | ,000 |
Table 1. Results of Paired Samples Test for errors in grip palms, errors in raising fists, errors in bent elbows
Analysis of the paired samples test for various types of testing with and without feedback shows significant differences in performance:
Pair 1 – Grip palms errors: The mean difference is -0.800, with a standard deviation of 0.404 and a standard error of 0.054. The 95% confidence interval for this difference is between -0.909 and -0.691. The t-value is -14.697, indicating a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Participants made significantly more errors in the testing without feedback compared to testing with feedback for grip palms.
Pair 2 – Errors in raising fists: The mean difference is -0.636, with a standard deviation of 0.485 and a standard error of 0.065. The 95% confidence interval for this difference is between -0.768 and -0.505. The t-value is -9.721, showing a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Participants recorded more errors in the testing without feedback compared to testing with feedback for raising fists.
Pair 3 – Errors in bent elbows: The mean difference is -0.600, with a standard deviation of 0.494 and a standard error of 0.067. The 95% confidence interval for this difference is between -0.734 and -0.466. The t-value is -9.000, indicating a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Participants had more errors in the testing without feedback compared to testing with feedback for bent elbows.
These results suggest that feedback significantly influences performance in various exercises or tests, reducing the number of errors recorded by participants. This highlights the importance of feedback in improving performance and reducing errors in testing and evaluation activities.
Paired Samples Test | |||||||||
Paired Differences | t | df | Sig. (2-tailed) | ||||||
Mean | Std. Deviation | Std. Error Mean |
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
Lower | Upper | ||||||||
Pair 1 | errors in forearm force balance testing with feedback – errors in forearm force balance testing without feedback | -,527 | ,573 | ,077 | -,682 | -,372 | -6,828 | 54 | ,000 |
Pair 2 | errors in forearm contact testing with feedback – errors in forearm contact testing without feedback | -,636 | ,485 | ,065 | -,768 | -,505 | -9,721 | 54 | ,000 |
Table 2. Results of the Paired Samples Test for Errors in Forearm Force Equality, Errors in Forearm Contact
Analysis of the paired samples test for feedback and non-feedback trials reveals significant differences in performance for the following pairs:
Pair 1 – Errors in forearm force equality: The mean difference is -0.527, with a standard deviation of 0.573 and a standard error of 0.077. The 95% confidence interval for this difference is between -0.682 and -0.372. The t-value is -6.828, indicating a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Participants made more errors in the non-feedback trial compared to the feedback trial for forearm force equality.
Pair 2 – Errors in forearm contact: The mean difference is -0.636, with a standard deviation of 0.485 and a standard error of 0.065. The 95% confidence interval for this difference is between -0.768 and -0.505. The t-value is -9.721, showing a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Participants made more errors in the non-feedback trial compared to the feedback trial for forearm contact.
These results suggest that feedback significantly influences performance in various exercises or tests, reducing the number of errors made by participants. This underscores the importance of feedback in improving performance and reducing mistakes in testing and evaluation activities.
These findings indicate that feedback has a significant impact on reducing the number of errors recorded by participants in tests related to forearm force equality and forearm contact.
Our study results, compared to other investigations in the same field, support several relevant ideas about the impact of feedback on performance and motor learning.
This classic study (Ghorbanzadeh et al., 2017; Jalal & Ghafoor, 2022; Salmoni et al., 1984) highlighted the importance of extrinsic feedback (also known as knowledge of results – KR) for motor learning. Similar to the conclusions of our study, this research emphasises the essential role of feedback in optimising motor performance.
The research by these authors (Miulescu & Tacea, 2023; Welsby et al., 2024; Wulf et al., 2010) demonstrated that specific and directed feedback can enhance motivation and performance while simultaneously reducing participants’ anxiety.
In line with our conclusions, this study indicates that positive feedback has a significant impact on performance and should be integrated into training programs.
Other similar studies (Carmen et al., 2023; Kıymaz, 2024b; Sigrist et al., 2013) have demonstrated that augmented feedback, such as visual or auditory feedback, improves motor learning and movement accuracy. The authors emphasised that the type and frequency of feedback are crucial to its effectiveness.
These comparisons show that our study’s results are consistent with existing literature, thus reinforcing the relevance and importance of feedback in improving motor performance and learning among beginner volleyball players.
The analysis presented in this study highlights several important conclusions regarding the impact of feedback on performance:
Feedback has a significant impact on performance, with all five test pairs showing a significant difference in participants’ performance between conditions with and without feedback. Large t-values and very small p-values (p < 0.001 in all cases) indicate that the observed differences are not due to chance and are statistically significant.
5. Conclusions
Feedback plays a fundamental role in reducing the number of errors recorded in various motor exercises.
In physical education and practical learning, where motor skills are essential, real-time feedback helps refine movements and prevent the repetition of mistakes. This allows students to progress more quickly and efficiently, adopting a more precise and correct approach to their activities.
The data supports the need for integrating feedback into training and sports education programs to improve performance and optimise the motor learning process.
Just as in sports, continuous feedback is necessary in general education to facilitate deeper learning. Educational programs that include well-structured feedback help develop students’ skills, not only in motor abilities but also in cognitive or academic competencies.
The appropriate use of feedback can aid in correcting and improving motor skills, having a positive impact on long-term outcomes.
In an educational context, this principle also applies to cognitive skills. Proper feedback, whether immediate or detailed, helps consolidate knowledge and refine the skills needed for students’ long-term success. These conclusions emphasise the importance of feedback in the learning and development process of motor skills and suggest that strategies incorporating feedback can be essential in achieving performance goals in both sports and education.
In education, teaching strategies that include feedback are essential for achieving academic objectives. Frequent and structured feedback allows students to adjust their learning behaviours, leading to continuous improvement and the achievement of desired results in all areas of study.
Our study shows that feedback has a significant impact on reducing the number of mistakes made by participants in tests. These results highlight the importance of implementing feedback in testing environments to support performance and efficient learning.
In a formal educational setting, implementing feedback during tests or evaluations is equally important to support deep and accurate learning. Students can benefit from formative assessments that provide a clear understanding of their mistakes and guide them toward better performance.
5.1. General Conclusions
A respected author in the field, such as Ciorbă & Moroşan (1844), Iucu et al. (2022), Larionescu (2011), Lazar et al. (2020), asserts that the correction of technical errors is carried out in a strictly individualised manner through the method of refreshing kinaesthetic perceptions, based on the principle of immediate information.
The effectiveness of this method is enhanced when related influences are simultaneously transmitted during the execution of the exercise through various sensory channels (visual, auditory, tactile), thereby generating a multitude of action possibilities and accelerating error correction through the adaptation of kinaesthetic perceptions.
About the Authors
Carmen Pârvu
“Dunărea de Jos” University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Galați, Romania
George Dănuț Mocanu
“Dunărea de Jos” University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Galați, Romania
Petronel Cristian Moisescu
“Dunărea de Jos” University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Galați, Romania
Zukhro Bahadirovna Khamraeva
Department of Physical Culture and Sports Activities of the Tashkent State University of Economics,Uzbekistan
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