Identification of Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Sound Wave Materials through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Model
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Identification of Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Sound Wave Materials through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Model
This study aims to identify students’ conceptual understanding of sound wave material through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model at MAN 3 Sleman Yogyakarta—this quantitative research with descriptive analysis involved 20 students as respondents. Data were collected through a conceptual understanding test covering subtopics of sound waves such as definitions, properties, string sound sources, organ pipe sound sources, resonance, the Doppler effect, wave interference, intensity, and sound intensity level. The results showed that students’ conceptual understanding of sound waves was very high, with an average correct answer percentage of 87.5%. The resonance and wave interference subtopics achieved the % correct answer percentage of 100%. In comparison, the definition of sound waves had the lowest correct answer percentage of 60%, falling into the “sufficient” understanding category. The high resonance and wave interference achievement was due to practical methods using everyday tools and materials, helping students understand these concepts in a real-world context. In conclusion, the CTL model effectively enhances students’ understanding of physics concepts. It is recommended that the CTL model continues to be applied in physics and other subject areas to improve students’ conceptual understanding.
conceptual understanding; contextual teaching and learning; physics education; sound wave
JEL Classification
I20, I21
1. Introduction
Conceptual understanding is grasping concepts’ theoretical and practical applications to solve problems (Aini et al., 2020). Physics is one of the subjects that students find challenging (Ady, 2022). Often, students need help understanding concepts in physics. These difficulties can lead students to seek and interpret concepts independently, resulting in misunderstandings or misconceptions that differ from expert consensus (Dwi Wulandari et al., 2023). Some students have not reached the level of understanding; they can memorise facts, concepts, principles, laws, theories, and innovative ideas but cannot effectively use and apply them in contextual, everyday problem-solving situations. Physics requires rote learning and deep conceptual understanding (Rose et al., 2023).
Moreover, physics education actively involves students in interacting with concrete objects. Current teaching practices in the classroom tend to be classical and reliant on textbooks, emphasising memorisation over conceptual understanding, making learning less meaningful for students. When students have a firm grasp of the taught concepts, they are more likely to apply this knowledge effectively in various contexts. Sound waves are a particularly challenging topic for conceptual understanding (Yana et al., 2020).
Sound waves are a crucial topic in high school physics education. In physics, sound is a longitudinal wave that travels through a medium, produced by vibrations that create a system of sound perceivable by the human ear (Fitri et al., 2023). Concepts in sound waves typically include parameters such as frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and the speed of sound waves (Nurhidayati et al., 2022). However, the complexity of these concepts often poses challenges for students. One primary reason is the abstract nature of sound wave phenomena (Maryani et al., 2022).
Additionally, the mathematical aspects of sound waves further contribute to the difficulty (Gunada et al., 2023). The teaching models can also influence the difficulty level in understanding sound waves used in class (Taihuttu et al., 2023). Therefore, educators must consider various teaching models that cater to students’ needs. Interactive, practical, and contextual models can aid students in better comprehending sound wave concepts (Nurmilah & Sulistyaningsih, 2023). These models allow students to acquire knowledge closely related to the empirical observations and facts that form the basis of physics as a science. Teaching through a contextual approach is expected to shift student learning from passively receiving teacher information to meaningful learning (Mayasari, 2022). When students are accustomed to meaningful learning and discovering concepts independently, their learning process and outcomes are expected to improve. One action teachers need to take is to improve the teaching models they use (Nababan & Sipayung, 2023).
Effective teaching models must be implemented to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of sound waves. One proven approach is the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model (Putri & Yohandri, 2021). This model emphasises the connection between the material taught and the real-life context of students, making it easier for them to understand and internalise the concepts (Amelia et al., 2024). Although the CTL model has been widely used in various educational contexts, few studies specifically explore its use in teaching sound waves. Therefore, research on identifying students’ conceptual understanding of sound waves through the CTL model is essential.
This article will further discuss the importance of using the CTL model to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of sound waves and present findings from the conducted research.
2. Literature Review
Concept Understanding
Concept understanding is a crucial aspect of the learning process, encompassing the ability to comprehend and apply fundamental principles rather than merely memorising facts. This review explores various theoretical perspectives, instructional strategies, and assessment methods related to concept understanding (Rapi et al., 2022). Constructivist theory, pioneered by Piaget and Vygotsky, emphasises that learners construct their understanding and knowledge of the world through experiences and reflection on those experiences (Lindqvist & Forsberg, 2023). Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and Vygotsky’s social constructivism highlight the importance of active engagement and social interaction in learning. Constructivism suggests that learners build new knowledge based on previous understanding, making meaningful connections that lead to deep comprehension. Cognitive theory, particularly Bruner’s work, focuses on the mental processes involved in learning. Bruner introduced the concept of the “spiral curriculum,” where learners revisit concepts at different levels of complexity. This approach facilitates deeper understanding as learners progressively build their knowledge (Islam et al., 2023).
Additionally, Bloom’s Taxonomy, revised by Anderson, categorises cognitive skills from basic recall to higher-order thinking, emphasising the progression from simple to complex understanding (the Universidade Portucalense, Portugal & Sobral, 2021). Formative assessment refers to various methods to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback. Techniques such as quizzes, peer assessments, and reflective journals help educators identify areas where students struggle to understand concepts. By providing timely feedback, formative assessment supports the continuous development of students’ conceptual understanding. Conceptual diagnostic tests assess students’ knowledge of specific concepts and identify misconceptions. These tests typically include multiple-choice questions with distractors that reflect common misunderstandings (West, 2023).
Sound Waves
Sound waves are a physical phenomenon involving the propagation of sound energy through a medium, such as air, water, or solids (Sari, 2022). Sound waves are an example of mechanical waves, which propagate through a medium by causing the particles of the medium to vibrate. This wave model is based on the basic principles of waves, including frequency, wavelength, velocity, and amplitude. The frequency of a sound wave is the number of cycles of vibration per second, measured in hertz (Hz), while the wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points on the wave (Azizah et al., 2020). The relationship between frequency, wavelength, and wave velocity is described by the equation c = λf, where c is the wave velocity, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency. Sound intensity is the energy per unit of time transmitted by the sound wave, measured in decibels (dB). Amplitude measures the medium particles’ vibration level and is related to the strength of the listener’s sound (Kim et al., 2021).
Speakers and microphones are practical examples of the application of sound waves in audio technology (Zhang et al., 2022). Speakers convert electrical signals into sound waves, while microphones do the reverse by converting sound waves into electrical signals. Sound waves are used in vibration detection devices, such as sonar and ultrasonography. Sonar is used to detect objects beneath the surface of water, while ultrasonography is used in the medical field to produce images of internal organs using ultrasonic waves (Abed et al., 2023).
Understanding physics concepts is the ability of students to comprehend, integrate, and apply physics concepts in various situations (Azizah et al., 2020). This includes identifying, explaining, and correctly applying physics concepts. This understanding is crucial as it forms the foundation for critical thinking and problem-solving skills in physics (Sandi, 2021). Fundamental concepts in sound waves include frequency, wavelength, amplitude, and wave speed. Critical phenomena related to sound waves include resonance, the Doppler effect, and interference.
Contextual Teaching and Learning
According to Kubi, the term “contextual” derives from “context,” meaning “relation, context, atmosphere, and condition.” Thus, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can be defined as learning connected to specific contexts or situations. CTL emphasises full student engagement in discovering and linking the material to real-life situations, encouraging them to apply what they learn daily (Welerubun et al., 2022). According to Elaine B. Johnson (2009), CTL is a teaching system that is aligned with how the brain creates meaning by connecting academic content with the students’ everyday lives. Contextual learning involves bringing real-world experiences into the classroom and encouraging students to relate their knowledge to everyday applications (Suhartoyo et al., 2020). This method involves students in significant activities that help them connect academic lessons with real-life contexts they encounter (Kahfi et al., 2021). By making these connections, students can find meaning in their school tasks.
In contextual learning, three prominent aspects must be understood (Muhfahroyin & Oka, 2021). First, it emphasises active student engagement in discovering the material. Second, it encourages students to relate the material to real-life situations. Third, students are motivated to apply this material in their daily lives. This approach assumes that students learn more effectively in a naturally created environment (Muhartini et al., 2023). In other words, learning becomes more meaningful when students are directly involved in practical and real experiences rather than just theoretical understanding. CTL helps teachers connect academic content with real-world situations and encourages students to relate their knowledge to everyday applications (Halawa & Harefa, 2024).
Teachers act as student facilitators in a contextual learning approach (Welerubun et al., 2022). This promotes active learning, emphasising physical and intellectual engagement to achieve optimal learning outcomes (Tamur et al., 2020). From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the contextual approach is a holistic learning process aimed at helping students understand the meaning of the subject matter by relating it to their daily life contexts. Teachers link the taught material to the real-world situations of the students, connecting their knowledge with its application in their lives as members of society.
3. Methodology
This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis methods. It falls into the category of non-experimental research, meaning all data obtained are factual and honest, reflecting the actual condition of the research subjects (naturalistic). The collected data are then analysed and examined individually in each part and transformed into descriptive form. The data for this research were obtained from observations and diagnostic test results with several students. The diagnostic test results show students’ understanding of concepts after implementing the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model and pinpoint students’ errors in understanding the topic of sound waves. The data sources for this research are the students of class XI IPA 5 at MAN 3 Sleman in Yogyakarta. All samples involved in this study were willing and willing to participate voluntarily to make this study a success, all of whom came from MAN 3 Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. MAN 3 Sleman is an Islamic-based senior high school or madrasah under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
The sample age range involved in this study was grade XII students aged 16. The involvement of each sample in this study has considered research ethics by considering the consent of the parents/guardians of students involved in this study (informed consent), the existence of student approval (permission), the confidentiality and anonymity of sample identities, minimising risks, transparency in explaining the purpose of the study, the right to refuse or withdraw, protection against exploitation, compliance with school policies and laws, and the existence of assistance or supervision from the school during this study. The class used as the research subject was selected based on recommendations from the physics teacher at the school. The data analysis in this study aims to determine students’ understanding of concepts and their errors in comprehending the topic of sound waves. The steps in the data analysis process in this research are as follows:
Grouping the Answers of All Students
The students’ answers are grouped based on the choices for each question number. After grouping, each question’s total number of answer choices is calculated with variations in answer choices (Suwarto & Musa, 2022). The percentage calculation for each student’s answer choice is performed using the following equation:
% JP=the percentage of answer choices
nx = ∑ students who chose answer x
ntotal=∑ total subjects in the study
This equation can determine the proportion of each answer choice, providing insight into students’ understanding and misconceptions regarding the sound wave material. This analysis will help identify specific areas where students struggle and where instructional adjustments might be needed.
Performing Analysis of Students’ Answer Choice Percentage Data
Analysis of the combination of correct answers from students will indicate their conceptual understanding of the material on sound waves (Putri & Subekti, 2021). Meanwhile, an analysis of the combination of incorrect answers, with a percentage exceeding 20%, will provide data on the areas where students struggle to understand sound waves. Evidence that students hold an alternative conception is seen when they choose an incorrect answer and give a wrong reason. The criteria for conceptual understanding can be seen in Table 1:
Percentage (%) | Category |
81-100 | Very high |
61-80 | High |
41-60 | Enough |
21-40 | Low |
0-20 | Very low |
Table 1. Criteria for Conceptual Understanding
4. Results and Discussions
The student’s understanding of sound waves can be determined by the average percentage of students who answered correctly in each sub-topic category. The average percentage of students who answered correctly for each sub-topic category is shown in the following table:
No | Sub Topic | Answer Percentage | Understanding Category | |
Correct | Incorrect | |||
1 | Understanding of sound waves | 60 % | 40 % | Enough |
2 | Properties of sound waves | 90 % | 10 % | Very high |
3 | Source of sound in strings | 90 % | 10 % | Very high |
4 | Source of sound in organ pipes | 90 % | 10 % | Very high |
5 | Sound resonance | 100 % | 0 % | Very high |
6 | Doppler effect | 85 % | 15 % | Very high |
7 | Application of the Doppler effect | 85 % | 15 % | Very high |
8 | Sound wave interference | 100 % | 0 % | Very high |
9 | Sound wave intensity | 90 % | 10 % | Very high |
10 | Sound intensity level | 85 % | 15 % | Very high |
Average | 87,5 % | 12,5 % | Very high |
Table 2. Average percentage of students who answered correctly for each sub-topic category
Table 2 shows that the overall understanding of the concept of sound waves among students achieved a percentage of correct answers of 87.5% and incorrect answers of 12.5%, which falls into the category of very high understanding. The detailed discussion for each sub-topic category is as follows:
Understanding of Sound Waves
The concept of understanding sound waves is represented by question number 1, with a conceptual understanding percentage of 60%, which falls into the moderate understanding category. Most students chose answer B (1 and 3) for this question. This indicates that most students moderately understand that sound waves are classified as mechanical longitudinal waves. The students’ errors in understanding the concept of sound waves are shown in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
1 | Sound waves are transverse waves | C | 35 % |
Sound waves are transverse waves and do not require a medium | D | 5 % |
Table 3. Errors in students’ choice of answers for the sub-topic understanding of sound waves
Table 3 shows that 35% of students chose answer C (2 and 3), incorrectly believing that sound waves are transverse waves. However, one part of their chosen answer was correct: they identified sound waves as mechanical waves. Meanwhile, 5% of students chose answers D (1 and 4), mistakenly thinking sound waves are transverse waves and do not require a propagating medium. The correct concept is that sound waves are mechanical longitudinal waves that require a medium to propagate.
Properties of Sound Waves
The concept of the properties of sound waves is represented by question number 2, with a conceptual understanding percentage of 90%, which falls into the category of very high understanding. In this question, students were asked to choose which answer did not belong to the properties of sound waves. The majority of students chose answer D (can be polarised). This indicates that most students have an excellent understanding of the properties of sound waves. The students’ errors in understanding the properties of sound waves are shown in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
2 | Sound waves cannot propagate in a vacuum | C | 10 % |
Table 4. Errors in students’ choice of answers for the sub-topic properties of sound waves
Table 4 shows that 10% of students chose answer C (cannot propagate in a vacuum). This choice indicates that these students believed sound waves could propagate in a vacuum and be polarised. The correct concept is that sound waves cannot propagate in a vacuum because they are mechanical waves that require a medium to travel through. Additionally, sound waves cannot be polarised because the waves that can be polarised are transverse waves whose vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of propagation. In contrast, sound waves are longitudinal waves whose vibrations are parallel to the direction of propagation. The properties of sound waves include being able to reflect, refract, diffract, and not being able to propagate in a vacuum.
Source of Sound in a String
The source of sound in a string is represented by question number 3, which has a concept understanding percentage of 90% and is classified as very high conceptual understanding. Most students chose answer C (the second overtone) in this question. Based on this, it can be interpreted that most students understand the concept of sound source in a string. Errors made by students regarding the concept of sound source in a string can be seen in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
3 | The fundamental tone has four nodes and three antinodes | A | 5 % |
The first overtone has four nodes and three antinodes | B | 5 % |
Table 5. Student answer choice errors in the subtopic of a sound source in a string
Table 5 shows that 5% of students chose to answer A (fundamental tone). Based on this choice, it can be inferred that some students assume that a string with both ends pinned with four nodes and three antinodes will produce the fundamental tone. Furthermore, another 5% of students chose answer B (first overtone). These students believe a string with both ends pinned with four nodes and three antinodes will produce the first overtone. The concept is that a string with both ends pinned with four nodes and three antinodes will produce the second overtone, whereas the fundamental tone has two nodes and one antinode. The first overtone in a string has three nodes and two antinodes.
Source of Sound in an Organ Pipe
The source of sound in an organ pipe is represented by question number 4, which has a concept understanding percentage of 90% and is classified as very high conceptual understanding. In this question, students were asked to calculate the length of an organ pipe with details as shown in the following figure:
Figure 1. One of the students answered correctly on the subtopic of the sound source in an organ pipe.
Most students chose answer C (0.8 m) with workings as detailed in Figure 1. Based on this, it can be inferred that most students understand the concept of sound source in an organ pipe. Errors made by students regarding the concept of sound source in an organ pipe can be seen in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
4 | The length of the organ pipe is 0.5 m | A | 5 % |
The length of the organ pipe is 10 m | E | 5 % |
Table 6. Student answer choice errors in the subtopic of sound source in an organ pipe
Table 6 shows that 5% of students chose answer A (0.5 m), and another 5% chose answer E (10 m). Unlike the students who chose the correct answer, C (0.8 m), those who decided on answers A and E did not provide the calculation method to obtain those results. Based on this, it can be inferred that some students have not yet understood the concept of sound source in an organ pipe.
Sound Wave Resonance
The concept of sound wave resonance is represented by question number 5, which has a conceptual understanding percentage of 100% and is classified into the category of very high conceptual understanding among the students. In this question, students were asked to calculate the length of the air column in the tube for the second resonance with details as shown in the following figure:
Figure 2. One of the students answered correctly on the subtopic of sound resonance.
All students who were subjects of this study were able to determine the length of the air column in the tube for the second resonance by choosing the correct answer (0.375 m). Based on this, it can be inferred that the students thoroughly understand sound resonance.
Doppler Effect
The concept of the Doppler Effect is represented by questions number 6 and 7, with a conceptual understanding percentage of 85%, which falls into the category of very high conceptual understanding among the students. In question number six, students were asked to choose the correct statements regarding the Doppler Effect. Most students chose the correct answer A (statements 1 and 2). In question number seven, students were asked to calculate the frequency of a horn heard by a motorcyclist with details as shown in the following figure:
Figure 3. One of the student’s answers correctly on the subtopic of the application of the Doppler Effect.
Most students were able to apply the Doppler Effect equation to calculate the frequency by choosing answer A (966.25 Hz). Based on these two points, it can be inferred that the students have a very thorough understanding of the Doppler Effect concept. Errors made by students regarding the Doppler Effect concept in question number 6 can be seen in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
6 | When the source approaches the listener, then Vs (+) | B | 5 % |
When the source approaches the listener, then Vs (+) and when the source moves away from the listener, then Vs (-) | E | 5 % |
Table 7. Student answer choice errors in the subtopic of the Doppler Effect.
Table 7 shows that 5% of students chose answer B (statements 1 and 3), believing that when the source approaches the listener, Vs is positive (+). However, one of the choices in the selected answer was correct: when the listener approaches the source, Vpis positive (+). Meanwhile, another 5% of students chose answer E (all statements are correct). These students believed that cap V sub s is positive (+) when the source approaches the listener, and when the source moves away from the listener, Vs is negative (-). However, two choices in the selected answer were correct: when the listener approaches the source, Vp is positive (+), and when the listener moves away from the source, Vp is negative (-). If the listener approaches the source, Vp is positive (+), and if the listener moves away from the source, Vp is negative (-). Then, if the source approaches the listener, Vs is negative (-), and if the source moves away from the listener, Vs is positive (+).
Errors made by students in applying the Doppler Effect concept in question number 7 can be seen in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
7 | The frequency of the horn heard by the motorcyclist is 944.25 Hz | B | 5 % |
The frequency of the horn heard by the motorcyclist is 968.12 Hz | C | 5 % | |
The frequency of the horn heard by the motorcyclist is 976.24 Hz | E | 5 % |
Table 8. Students answer choice errors in the subtopic of the application of the Doppler Effect
Table 8 shows that 5% of students chose answer B (944.25 Hz), another 5% chose answer C (968.12 Hz), and another 5% chose answer E (976.24 Hz). Unlike the students who chose the correct answer A (966.25 Hz), those who decided answers B, C, and E did not provide the calculation method to obtain those results. Based on this, it can be inferred that some students have not yet understood the concept of the Doppler Effect.
Beat Frequency of Sound Waves
The concept of beat frequency of sound waves is represented by question number 8, with a conceptual understanding percentage of 100%. It is classified as having a very high conceptual understanding among the students. In this question, students were asked to calculate the frequency of the second siren with details as shown in the following figure:
Figure 4. One of the students correctly answered the subtopic of beat frequency of sound waves.
All students in this study could determine the frequency of the second siren by choosing the correct answer (802 Hz). Based on this, it can be inferred that the students thoroughly understand the beat frequency of sound waves.
Intensity of Sound Waves
The concept of sound wave intensity is represented by question 9, with a conceptual understanding percentage of 90%. It is classified as having a very high conceptual understanding among the students. In this question, students were asked to calculate the intensity of a sound wave with details as shown in the following figure:
Figure 5. One of the students answered correctly on the subtopic of sound wave intensity.
Most students chose the correct answer, B (0.04 W/m²), with the calculation details shown in Figure 5. Based on this, it can be inferred that most students understand the concept of sound wave intensity. Errors made by students regarding the concept of sound wave intensity can be seen in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
9 | The intensity of the sound wave at a distance of 10 m from the source is 0.05 W/m² | C | 10 % |
Table 9. Student answer choice errors in the subtopic of sound wave intensity
Table 9 shows that 10% of students chose answer C (0.05 W/m²). Unlike the students who chose the correct answer B (0.04 W/m²), those who decided answer C did not provide the calculation method to obtain this result. Based on this, it can be inferred that some students have not yet fully understood the concept of sound wave intensity.
Sound Intensity Level
The concept of sound intensity level is represented by question number 10, with a conceptual understanding percentage of 85%. It is classified as having a very high conceptual understanding among the students. In this question, students were asked to calculate the sound intensity level with details as shown in the following figure:
Figure 6. One of the students answered correctly on the subtopic of sound intensity level.
Most students chose the correct answer A (40 dB) with the calculation details shown in Figure 6. Based on this, it can be inferred that most students understand the concept of sound intensity level. Errors made by students regarding the concept of sound intensity level can be seen in the following table:
No | Error | Choice | Percentage |
10 | The sound intensity level is 35 dB | B | 5 % |
The sound intensity level is 50 dB | D | 10 % |
Table 10. Student answer choice errors in the subtopic of sound intensity level
Table 10 shows that 5% of students chose answer B (35 dB), and 10% chose answer D (50 dB). Unlike the students who chose the correct answer A (40 dB), those who decided answers B and D did not provide the calculation method to obtain these results. Based on this, it can be inferred that some students have not yet fully understood the concept of sound intensity level.
The research found that the conceptual understanding of the subtopic “definition of sound waves” produced the lowest percentage of correct answers compared to other subtopics. The subtopic “definition of sound waves” yielded a correct answer percentage of 60%, which falls into the “sufficient” understanding category. This occurred because students still had difficulty conceptualising the definition of sound waves. However, in the subtopics of resonance and beat frequency of sound waves, the percentage of correct answers was at a maximum of 100%, which falls into the “very high” understanding category. This indicates that students have thoroughly understood the concepts in these subtopics. In teaching the beat frequency of sound waves subtopic, the researcher provided student worksheets that included real-world examples of beat frequency phenomena. Students were asked to discuss these phenomena in groups, guided directly by the researcher to answer the provided questions. Afterwards, students were asked to conclude the results of their discussions. This contextual learning method was effective for students’ conceptual understanding, as evidenced by the 100% correct answer rate in this subtopic.
In teaching the subtopic of sound wave resonance, the researcher used a practical method that utilised everyday materials familiar to the students, such as glasses, water, and spoons. In this experiment, students conducted a contextual experiment accompanied by the researcher. Students could apply and prove the resonance theory they had learned tangibly and concretely through this experiment. This experiment involved filling glasses with water to a certain height and then striking the glass with a spoon to produce a sound. Students were asked to observe the changes in sound that occurred as the water level in the glass was varied. With the researcher’s guidance, students could understand how resonance occurs and how changes in water height affect the frequency of the sound produced. This contextual learning method was highly effective because it allowed students to see and experience abstract physics concepts objectively and clearly (Kahfi et al., 2021).
Through this hands-on experience, students could connect theory with practice, ultimately strengthening their understanding of the sound wave resonance concept (Novitasari et al., 2024).
Using simple yet familiar materials also helped reduce barriers to understanding the material, as students felt more comfortable and engaged in the experiment. Students could see the real-life application of the theory they studied, which enhanced their understanding and made learning more enjoyable and meaningful (Purnawanto, 2022). With this method, it is hoped that students’ knowledge of the subtopic of sound wave resonance will improve, as evidenced by the research results showing a 100% correct answer rate.
Based on the research results, students have mastered the concept of sound waves very well. This is evidenced by the average percentage of correct answers reaching 87.5% out of a maximum score of 100%, falling into the category of very high understanding. This achievement confirms that the applied learning model, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), effectively conveys physics concepts to students. The CTL model, which emphasises the connection between lesson material and the real-life context of students, has successfully made abstract physics concepts easier to understand and more relevant. By relating the material on sound waves to everyday experiences, students can directly see the practical applications of the theory they study (Krismandana et al., 2020). Additionally, the CTL method encourages active student involvement in learning (Waruwu et al., 2022). Students do not merely receive information passively but also actively participate in discussions, experiments, and other practical activities that reinforce their understanding of the concepts.
This success also demonstrates that the CTL approach can address the challenges of teaching complex physics concepts to students. Students can develop a more comprehensive understanding and apply their knowledge in various situations with relevant and contextual methods. This provides a strong foundation for students to continue their studies in physics and science. Overall, this research confirms that the CTL learning model effectively enhances the understanding of physics concepts and creates a more engaging and meaningful learning experience for students. This is an essential step towards better education, where students not only learn to master the material but also develop critical thinking skills and skills relevant to life and education.
5. Conclusions
The findings of this study demonstrate the significant impact of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model on students’ understanding of physics concepts, particularly in sound waves and their properties. The research highlights how CTL fosters a deeper conceptual grasp by connecting theoretical knowledge to real-world applications. With an average correct answer rate of 87.5%, this approach significantly enhances students’ comprehension. The CTL model proved especially effective in complex subtopics like resonance and beat frequency, where students achieved a 100% correct answer rate. These results underline the importance of contextualising learning materials to make them more relevant and engaging for students, thereby boosting their learning outcomes. From an educational perspective, the successful application of CTL in this study suggests that physics education can significantly benefit from teaching strategies that promote active learning and critical thinking. By linking classroom material to practical experiences, the CTL model improves understanding and equips students with skills to apply their knowledge in everyday situations. CTL offers a valuable approach for educators as students are better prepared to think critically and solve problems using their conceptual understanding. The study recommends the broader implementation of CTL across various subjects alongside further research to investigate its potential in different educational settings.
About the Authors
Sinta Oktaviana
Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Islamic Education Science and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Jalan Marsda Adisucipto, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Himawan Putranta
Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Islamic Education Science and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Jalan Marsda Adisucipto, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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